Raw Mapping


After nanoapproaching the tip of the probe to the desired point X=0nm and Y=0nm and Z=200nm,
we can choose to do the mapping of the identified area,
is better to work in "Non-contact Mode".

Starting from point X=0 and Y=0, we will move in the X and/or Y direction one step at the time.
At every point X-Y, the vibrating tip of the probe will "read" the height Z.
How this reading is done, is described in the next section "Allocation of Z".
In this way, a matrix is being built, which will then be visualised with the plotting-phase.

It must be easy for the tip of the probe to move around inside the indicated cube
and there must be no vertical walls, roofs or other obstacles in the neighbourhood,
because the maximum movement of the tip of the probe in the Z direction is 5µ.


The Calibration consists in the tuning of
the optical vision of the investigated surface (5.000nm x 5.000 nm)
with the raw mapping of the same surface
(in this case with a scanning step of 250 nm in order to speed up the scanning time)